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5. Usage Details & Additional Features

5.1 Sample usage scenario

Let us say you want to connect two private networks at two different locations via the internet. Let us assume that private network #1 has the address 192.168.10.x (where x varies from 1 to 254) and private network #2 has the address 192.168.11.x. Note that the network portion of the addresses in the two networks must be different for proper routing to take place.

Here the network portion of network #1 IP addresses is and of network #2 is

Let us assume that a machine (let us call it gw #1) in network #1 is connected to Internet and its public IP address (the one given by the ISP either temporarily or permanently) is N1.N2.N3.N4. From any other machine connected to Internet we should be able to ping or access any network service available in this machine using its public IP.

Now let us assume that a machine in network #2 is also connected to the Internet (let us call it gw #2), either directly, or indirectly via a router/gateway which does IP masquerading. Note that gw #1 needs to have a public IP, but gw #2 doesnot need to have a public IP. From gw #2 we should be able to ping or access any network service (such as ssh or http) service running in gw #1 using N1.N2.N3.N4.

So we have:

[network #2] [gw #2] <--Internet-->[gw #1] [network #1]

There could be a masquerading router sitting between gw #2 and Internet, but gw #1 should have direct connectivity. Note that AmritaVPN will be running in gw #2 and gw #1, so they need to be Linux machines. Other machines in the network can run any OS having IP stack (ofcourse, any modern OS does have an IP stack).

5.2 IP forwarding

If you're an experienced sysadmin do skip this section

For VPN to work, gw #2 of network #2 should act as the gateway/router for network #2 routing all the packets destined for network #1 over the VPN connection to gw #1. Similarly gw #1 of network #1 should act as the gateway/router for network #1 routing all the packets.

For gw #2 or gw #1 to act as a router IP forwarding must be enabled in both these machines.

This can be done by adding a line:

net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

in /etc/sysctl.conf and rebooting the machine or restarting the network by typing in "service network restart". Of course, root privilege is required.

IP forwarding can also be temporarily enabled by:

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Before you enable IP forwarding a fair understanding of some firewalling system must be gained so that the internal networks are properly shielded. The most popular open source firewall in Linux - iptables - could be used.

5.3 Tunnel Device

By running appropriately configured AmritaVPN in both gw #1 and gw #2 we will be getting direct IP-level connectivity between network #1 and network #2. In other words, sitting on a machine in network #2 we should be able to ping a machine in network #1 (and vice versa), and access any IP service.

AmritaVPN reads and writes IP packets through Universal TUN/TAP driver that is a part of Linux Kernel. On startup AmritaVPN opens and configures a special network interface (the tunnel interface). By default the tunnel interface name is "tun0", although a different name can be used (such as tun1) through 'tunnel-if' configuration parameter.

The tunnel interface must be configured with an IP-address. This IP is specified using the "tunnel-ip" configuration parameter. The network portion of the "tunnel-ip" addresses of both gw #1 and gw #2 must be same and the host portion must be different.

Use IP addresses that are not used in your internal networks for tunnel-ip parameter. An example tunnel-ip configuration would be:

In gw#1:


In gw#2:


5.4 Routing via VPN

You can specify the remote network/machine addresses that must be forwarded through the VPN using the "route-ip" and "route-mask" configuration parameters. "route-ip" and "route-mask" must occur in pairs. A "route-mask" parameter is paired with the preceding "route-ip" parameter.

In gw #1 where we want VPN to forward packets to network #2, we would have:

Similarly in gw #2 we would have:

One routing table entry for the "tunnel-ip" network must be always present, so the routing configuration entries would be:

gw #1:

gw #2:

Adding default route:

If you want to add default route through the VPN, add a routing entry with route-ip and route-mask as as:


Typically, the machine running amvpn must be configured as the default router for the machines in the local network for routing to work properly. Another option is to have specific routing table entries in the local-network machines that direct the traffic intended for the remote network via the VPN machine.

On successful startup AmritaVPN will automatically configure the system routing table with this information, and on shutdown the entries will be automatically removed.

5.5 Dropping root privilege

For additional security it is mandatory to configure AmritaVPN to drop root privilege after startup (root privilege is required for startup). This can be done by specifying an alternate user-name to run as using the "run-as-user" config parameter.

run-as-user Usage:

run-as-user amvpn

During installation a user named amvpn would be added to the system (if not already present in the system). Instead of 'amvpn', an alternate user-name can be provided, depending on your requirement.

If an existing user-name is specified in the "run-as-user" config parameter then the process will run (after startup) under the user id and group id of that user. Alternately a user-id could be provided in the "run-as-user" config parameter and also a group-id in the "run-as-group" parameter. In any case, user id used by amvpn to drop privilege must not be root user id and the group id must not be root group id.


The user-name specified in 'run-as-user' must have access rights to the directories and files in which private key and certificates are stored. For security, key and certificate files (especially the private key file) must be readable only by the 'run-as-user' user-id. The group and world-readable/writable/executable permissions must be removed. This can be easily done by running amvpn-keytool secure 'run-as-user-name'.

5.6 Server and Client modes

One end of the VPN will run in server-mode, waiting for incoming connection requests from VPN clients. The other side will run as a client, connecting to the VPN server.

The end running VPN in server-mode must have a public IP. In our example gw #1 has a public IP. So gw #2 should run in client mode and connect to gw #1. This can be achieved by specifying the server-ip config parameter.

In gw #2:

server-ip N1.N2.N3.N4

where, N1.N2.N3.N4 is the public ip (or domain name) of gw #1.

5.7 Certificate and Key generation.


The amvpn-keytool must be used to generate and manage keys/certs for amvpn. It provides a very easy and error-free interface to somewhat complex openssl commands and the task of transfering CSRs and certs. Read this section only if you're interested in understanding what amvpn-keytool does internally.

The Running amvpn-keytool section gives a good overview of how to use amvpn-keytool.

The Certificate used in signing VPN certificates can either be a external CA certificate, in which case we have to get our certificate signed by the CA. Or we can create a Private key and a self-signed CA certificate and get our certificates signed by our CA. The latter approach is described here.

To generate CA Key and Certificate:

CA Private key generation:

openssl genrsa -out ca_key.pem 1024

CA Certificate Signing Request:

openssl req -new -key ca_key.pem -out ca_req.pem

CA Self-Signed Certificate:

openssl x509 -req -trustout -in ca_req.pem -signkey ca_key.pem -out ca_cert.pem

To generate VPN Key and Certificate:

VPN Private key:

openssl genrsa -out vpn_key.pem 1024

VPN Certificate Signing Request:

openssl req -new -key vpn_key.pem -out vpn_req.pem

Getting a signed certificate from our CA:

openssl x509 -req -in vpn_req.pem -CA ca_cert.pem -CAkey ca_key.pem -CAcreateserial -out vpn_cert.pem

Note that both ends will have to get their Certificate Signing Requests (CSR) signed by the CA.

The Key and certificate files can be specified in the amvpn.conf as:

Some important notes

5.8 Running multiple instances

While a single instance of amvpn can handle only one VPN connection at a time, it is easy to run multiple instances and have multiple VPN connections fanning out of a single machine. Each running instance must have a separate copy of the amvpn.conf configuration file.

To provide an alternate config file to amvpn:

amvpn -c amvpn_x.conf

To start amvpn in background mode with alternate config file:

amvpn -d -c amvpn_x.conf

The following configuration options must be different for each running instance:

The following tables show two alternate example configurations of a VPN system where 5 clients are connecting to one server. The tunnel-ip(c) stands for client-side tunnel-ip value and tunnel-ip(s) stands for server-side tunnel-ip value. The corresponding route-ip and route-mask entries (which must be configured at both client and server side) are also shown.

Configuration - 1

In the above configuration each connection uses a separate class-C (/24) network. An alternate configuration is shown below. Here subnetting is used so that each connection need not have an individual class-C network number. The example below uses /30 subnets for each connection since a connection requires allocation of only two IP addresses.

Configuration - 2

The key/certificate files can be shared by all running instances, although you could choose to have seperate key/certificate files for each instance.

The amvpn service script (/etc/rc.d/init.d/amvpn) can be used to start multiple amvpn instances at boot time. When amvpn service is started at boot time it will create one amvpn process for each of the following configuration files:

For instance, to set up a VPN server catering to 5 clients, configuration file for each client connection can be placed in '/etc/amvpn.d' directory with names such as amvpn_1.conf, amvpn_2.conf, and so on.

When amvpn service script is started it will start one amvpn process for each configuration file present in the /etc/amvpn.d directory. Note that if /etc/amvpn.conf is present, then one amvpn process will be started with /etc/amvpn.conf as the configuration file as well.

5.9 Monitoring the key/cert file modification

As a security measure, the amvpn checks the modification time of the key/cert files each time a reconnect is attempted by the client or a new connection is received by the server.

If configured for email-notification the amvpn notifies the user through email when it finds that the modification time of VPN key, VPN cert, or CA cert files has changed. See section Event notification through email .

It also logs a message to this effect in the system log file. Note that when an active connection is in progress amvpn does not check continually to see whether key/cert files have been modified. The file modification is checked only when a reconnect is attempted by the client or a new connect is received by the server.

5.10 Event notification through email

Occurrence of certain events can be notified through email. In order to enable this feature, following configuration options need to be specified.

Following events can be configured for notification at client and/or server side. A description of configuration options for event notification is given below.

Set the configuration directive smtp-server-ip to the address of your SMTP server; it can be either the IP address or fully qualified domain name. For instance,

smtp-server-ip, or,

smtp-server-ip example.smtp.server


Email-id to be placed in the from field of notification emails. Example:


If this option is not specified amvpn will use an email-id of the form: <run-as-user>@<host-name> where <run-as-user> is the user-name specified in the run-as-user option and <host-name> is the host name of the local machine.


The events for which notification emails have to be sent and the email ids of the recipients of these emails are specified using the notify option. It has the general form: notify event-name:email-id-list. The email-id-list is one or more email-ids of the recipients. Multiple email-ids must be separated by ',' (comma). The event-name can be one of:

Some examples of notification specifications using the notify option are given below.


In the case of slow connections email notification may take considerable amount of time and it is possible that the previous notification is still outstanding when the next notification is being processed. In order to avoid having a large number of pending notification requests, which would consume system resources, this option may be used. If this option is not specified the default value of '5' will be used. A different value could be given as: max-pending-mails 8.

If the amvpn process gets killed (for instance by using 'kill -9'), then it will not have the chance to send disconnect notification email. However, notification will be sent by the amvpn at the other side of the connection (if so configured), since it would detect a disconnect. Hence, it is advisable to set notification option at both client and server side, so that even if amvpn at one end gets suddenly killed because of some reason the disconnect notification would still be sent (by the other side).

5.11 Keepalive Messaging

This feature sends a keepalive message when there is no outbound or inbound traffic for more than a certain period of time as specified in the keepalive-time configuration parameter.


When there is a break in the network connectivity between the two amvpn machines, if there is no pending outbound data at the time of connection break the TCP/IP stack may take a very long time to detect that the connection is broken. During this time, if the other end tries to reconnect, the amvpn rejects the request with the message "Active Connection already exists. Dropped the newly accepted connection", since it doesn't know yet that the previous connection was dropped.

If keepalive option is set then amvpn will transmit keepalive messages to the other end when there is no other data to be sent. So if a connection break happens, TCP/IP stack will detect the connection break when attempting to send the keepalive message, even when there is no other outbound data.


By default keepalive message is disabled (set to -1). This can be changed using the following configuration option:

Important Note:

Before this feature is enabled make sure that AmritaVPN 0.99 or higher is installed at both ends.

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